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Glass Bead Making

Glass Bead Making

When we think about which was or which were the first ever developed human arts, we usually think of ancient cave paintings. Well, that is totally a very well known and proclaimed assumption, since representation of reality through this kind of expression is one of the oldest and best-preserved evidence of humans expressing themselves. But […]

Ancient Pottery: A Brief History to Pottery Art

ancient pottery

We never stop learning. Even if we have years developing some technique, if we have gathered a lot of knowledge of different aspects of some topic, discipline or matter, there is always something we are missing. The world, life and nature are always changing, and technologies, materials, and perspectives are with them too. Art is […]

Main Types of Ceramic Clay

Types of Ceramic Clay

Only in the last four decades scientists and experimental artists and researchers have either discovered or developed interesting new materials, as they mix raw materials and produce conditions for them to be constituted in one way or another. Metallurgic, biotechnology and material science are some of the areas where this is being unfolded. One of […]

Which are the best Lampworking tools?

lampworking tools

Have you ever wondered if you are doing your artistic glass masterpieces with the best resources, the best lampworking tools, and the best quality instruments? Perhaps you have already searched for and evaluated the best quality and price relationships between many lampworking tools, since you are really lacking some specific instrument or tool you need […]

Gas kiln vs electric kiln in Pottery: Which one should I buy?

Gas kiln vs electric kiln in Pottery

If you are considering taking the next step on your pottery or ceramics practice and acquiring a kiln, the very first thing you should know is that gas and electric kilns are the most common types of technologies preferred for homes and workshops. These types of kilns vary not only in the source of energy […]

Top 3 Glass Fusing Kilns for Home Use

Glass Fusing Kilns for Home Use

Even if you have spent years developing your skills as an artist in the creative fields of pottery, ceramics, or glass work, and have experimented with a very wide range of techniques, materials, tools and approaches, these disciplines offer seemingly endless creative processes with infinite results, which follow no other rule than imagination. In this article […]